Day-Mont Behavioral Health Care, Inc.

1520 Germantown Street, Dayton, OH 45417, USA
1520 Germantown Street Dayton Ohio 45417 US

Day-Mont Behavioral Health Care, Inc. is a not for profit Corporation that provides behavioral health care services, we were incorporated in 1972. Our programs are accredited from The Commission on Accreditation for Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OMHAS) has given our organization certification deemed status. We have been rated by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) as an Accredited Charity.

The aforementioned program accreditation and certification are the result of rigorous administrative and program standards being met. Our programs receive close scrutiny through the various reviews. We have a multi-disciplined culturally diverse staff that embrace the mission that encompasses our commitment to provide culturally competent services. We serve all Montgomery County residents and invite you to receive services that will add value and make a positive difference in your quality of life.